Representation in the Supreme Court

The sworn advocates of the Law Office Lillo & Lõhmus are acknowledged specialists in the field of dispute resolution in the Supreme Court of Estonia. We have represented our clients in several hundreds of cases in which the Supreme Court has made a final decision.

We have represented the interests of claimants, defendants, complainants, third persons, and administrative bodies, and have defended the accused. We have represented private persons, small enterprises and large corporations. As a result, we are able to take a personal approach in each case, assess the perspectives of each dispute, and protect the interests of our clients in the most efficient manner.


Examples of our work:

  • Representing a client in reviewing the constitutionality of a legal act
  • Acquittal of a client charged with the practice concerted between companies with the aim of restricting competition
  • Acquittal of a client charged with the abuse of authority
  • Acquittal of a client charged with influence peddling
  • Successful representation of a client in the claim for declaring a notice of assessment void
  • Successful representation of a client in the dispute concerning the market takeover
  • Successful representation of a client in the dispute concerning an occupational accident

In the disputes resolved in the Supreme Court, assistance is provided by