Insolvency proceedings

We provide advice for private persons and enterprises in bankruptcy and reorganisation proceedings, and protect the interests and assets of both creditors and debtors, where necessary. We provide advice on the issues of the liability of the management, help to file claims against the management, or represent clients in resolving complaints against the management. We draw up bankruptcy petitions and claims. We represent creditors before the bankruptcy committee.

We provide, among others, the following services:

  • Drawing up documents required for the commencement of bankruptcy or reorganisation proceedings (incl. bankruptcy caution, bankruptcy petition, reorganisation petition, debt restructuring petition)
  • Preparing and filing claims in bankruptcy proceedings and drawing up other relevant documents
  • Representing clients in negotiations with debtors and creditors
  • Filing a claim against the person liable for the obligations of the company as a debtor (shareholder or member of the management board)
  • Representing clients in bankruptcy proceedings (incl. before the bankruptcy committee, at the meeting of creditors (incl. the meeting for defence of claims) and in courts)
  • Terminating and liquidating a company
  • Advice on reorganisation